QSHE Department - Health and Safety

At its core, health and safety covers all the familiar tasks, such as risk assessment, accident investigation, machinery safety, fire and emergency arrangements, and much more.
However, it's a very dynamic field to work in, with so many different scenarios and areas where risk is involved. Added on top of the regulations are the legal and moral expectations to reduce that risk while still being able to maintain or even improve performance. Our ambition, to embed health & safety into the fundamentals of how we do business.
At Micronclean, we in the QSHE department are always working to engage with our customers, suppliers, and our own employees to fulfill these obligations. This includes gaining a better understanding of inherent risks and the necessary controls to mitigate them. We have a saying in health and safety that states: "the rules are written by events of the past". This concept is rooted in learning from past mistakes and understanding why these rules were established in the first place. This principle is fundamental to our training, and we are constantly exploring different, more engaging, and exciting ways to deliver this knowledge to our teams. Our goal is not only to ensure the retention of training but also to enable the evolution of our in-house procedures to best suit our growing business.
Recently, Micronclean established a Health and Safety Steering Board to develop and track the deployment and reception of our practices within the company. One of our most recent meetings was held at the site of one of our customers, providing the opportunity to exchange processes and ideas that we hope to implement within our own business. Furthermore, we plan to conduct more off-site meetings with customers and suppliers to expand our knowledge base.
The QSHE department aims to integrate health and safety management into everyone's day-to-day activities. We are working diligently to ensure the well-being of all employees in their working environment and to prevent easily avoidable accidents. Then we truly will be able to say, 'Health & Safety is how we do business here'.
Nick Thurlby, Health & Safety Officer