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As a business Micronclean, in terms of all waste streams is committed to the three R’s these being:

This means that as a business we are constantly looking at ways to reduce our environmental impact which means: 

  • All the water used within our business is treated as required and then returned to the water systems in line with our operating certificates
  • All waste is segregated to help with possible recycling
  • All our waste carriers are pre-approved and hold waste carrier licences
  • All staff have environmental objectives which will be part of the 2021 annual appraisal process
  • We were the first laundry in the UK to obtain ISO 14001 certification and subsequently we also obtained ISO 50001 for our energy management systems
  • We are using electric vehicles on some of our delivery routes

For plastics Micronclean recognise the need to reduce our usage as far as possible but we must also be mindful that plastics in many forms are an integral part of our products, where for instance they provide: 

  • A controlled containment to ensure the cleanliness of our sterile and non-sterile cleanroom products
  • The sterility barrier for many of our products, ensuring that any transfer processes is sterile and does not compromise the customers cleanroom

However, Micronclean recognise that there is more we should be doing and as such internal initiatives have started which will look at the use of plastics. These initiatives range from research projects where we look to understand what role the plastic is playing, why it has been specified and what alternatives we could be looking at, to a step change reduction in plastic in all our marketing gifts and merchandise. A critical analysis of every product which is developed by Micronclean now also includes a critical evaluation of which materials are used, their environmental impact and their recyclability potential.

Micronclean operates a comprehensive Quality Management System which seeks to drive product and or process improvements rather than just being a method of passing audits. To help with this we have recently launched an Opportunities for Improvement section on our Customer Portal. 

ISO 9001 Quality Management System

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 13485 Quality Management System for Medical Devices & Related Services

ISO 50001 Energy Management System

EN 14065 Risk Analysis and Bio contamination Control (RABC)


You can read more about Micronclean's commitment to sustainability by clicking here.