Internal Laboratory
Micronclean operates its own internal laboratory facility in Bangalore, India, which serves two functions.
Firstly, it is used to process and assess routine production samples, such as microbiological samples from cleanroom environmental monitoring, or garments requiring quality control testing.
Secondly the facility and its testing equipment is used to assist the Research and Development function as they look to innovate and continuously improve Micronclean products.
The laboratory has recently undergone an investment programme, which has seen the introduction of new laboratory equipment, including machines to test key performance attributes of cleanroom garments such as particle barrier performance and durability.
Body Box Test
The Micronclean India laboratory incorporates a Body Box Test unit. The unit, built according to the requirements of IEST RP CC 003, enables assessment of the barrier performance of a complete cleanroom garment system in simulated cleanroom conditions. This involves the measurement of particulate and microbiological contamination released by a wearer when they are wearing cleanroom garments and completing standardised actions (arm movements, marching, bending). The Micronclean R&D function use this test to select the best performing cleanroom garments and to optimise cleanroom garment system design.